I’m here today to teach you how to make a mini moss pole. When you’re a collector of epiphytic plants like Monsteras, Syngoniums, Hoyas, and some Philodendrons, using a moss pole can help your plants to grow big and strong. Moss poles mimic mossy trees, and in their natural environment, epiphytes grow on the trunks of trees and other plants. Often times, the higher a plant grows on a tree or moss pole, the bigger and more mature a plant’s leaf will get. With very few supplies and a couple of bucks, you can make these mini moss poles to start your smaller plants off right! Keep reading to learn how to make a mini moss pole.

Help your plants to grow big and strong by staking them on a moss pole. With just a few supplies and a couple of bucks, you can learn how to make a mini moss pole! #houseplants #mosspoles

Not only is this DIY easy, but it’s super inexpensive. Once you buy all the supplies, you can make a bunch of them for under $1 each. Crazy, right!? Let’s get started!

Help your plants to grow big and strong by staking them on a moss pole. With just a few supplies and a couple of bucks, you can learn how to make a mini moss pole! #houseplants #mosspoles

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You’ll need:

Moss – I’m fortunate enough to live in the northwest where we have harvested moss readily available. If you can’t find a local river moss, you can use this Sphagnum Moss. It works just as well!

Fishing line – Any fishing line will do. You might even have some lying around the house but if not, this fishing line is perfect!

Bamboo Skewers – We’re making mini moss poles today but if you want to make something bigger, you can use any kind of cylinder pole. I used these skewers which worked really well for the minis.


  • Spread a layer of moss ⅔ the length of your skewer on a work surface and place the bamboo skewer directly on top. Leave the bottom ⅓ bare as that section will be underneath the soil.

Help your plants to grow big and strong by staking them on a moss pole. With just a few supplies and a couple of bucks, you can learn how to make a mini moss pole! #houseplants #mosspoles

  • Cut approximately four feet of fishing line. Tie a double knot ⅓ of the way up your pole from the bottom.  

Help your plants to grow big and strong by staking them on a moss pole. With just a few supplies and a couple of bucks, you can learn how to make a mini moss pole! #houseplants #mosspoles

  • Use one hand to hold the moss wrapped around the skewer in place on the pole, while using your other hand to wrap the fishing line around the moss covered pole. Continue to wrap the fishing line up and then down the pole to secure the moss into place.
  • Once the moss is secure, tie the fishing line off with a double knot. Cut off any excess line.
  • Trim any stray pieces of moss and you’re done!

Help your plants to grow big and strong by staking them on a moss pole. With just a few supplies and a couple of bucks, you can learn how to make a mini moss pole! #houseplants #mosspoles

Once the mini moss pole is done, you can now pot up your plant with its new moss pole. Hold the moss pole and rooted plant together with the plant in front of the moss pole. Place inside an empty pot and hold into place. Start filling the pot with soil and the soil should hold the moss pole and plant securely in place!

Help your plants to grow big and strong by staking them on a moss pole. With just a few supplies and a couple of bucks, you can learn how to make a mini moss pole! #houseplants #mosspoles

I used my mini moss pole for this sweet little Philodendron I received, as a cutting from a friend. I made the moss pole big enough to allow plenty of space to grow! The leaves are already growing bigger and I can’t wait to see how big they get! 

One thing to mention, in order for the areal roots to attach and grow onto the pole, you will need to keep the moss pole as moist as possible at all times. You can use a mister or spray bottle to help with that. If you have any questions, leave a comment and I’ll be happy to get back to you. You can also shoot me a quick DM over on Instagram, you’ll probably get the quickest response over there 🙂 Thanks for visiting today!


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  1. Thank you! I’ve been searching for a solution for my marble queen. One question though, when the plant gets bigger how do you adjust/change the moss pole without breaking their aerial roots?

    1. If you make the moss pole using pvc pipe, and glue a wooden spike in the bottom end of the pipe, then wrap with moss, when the plant gets as tall as the pole, you can basically stack the poles and that keeps you from having to change them out. I’m using this method for my vanilla orchids. 🙂

    2. Good question! You can remove them gently and switch to a bigger moss pole. But to begin with, I would make a larger moss pole, one that you think would work for your plant for a few years. In this case, I was working with a mini Philodendron.

  2. Hi I can’t wait to try making my own moss pole! This question may be silly but I have to ask. My backyard is full of moss bc it’s pretty damp and shady, it easily pulls up from the ground and I’m wondering if I can use that instead of buying some?

    1. Good question!
      As epiphytic plants have something to attach themselves to and grow on, their leaves get bigger. You may have seen pictures of plants in the jungle? At the base of the tree they’re growing on, they’re smaller leave, and as the grow up the tree their leaves get bigger and bigger 🙂

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