The day after Thanksgiving is probably my favorite day.  It’s the day we get our Christmas tree.  It’s been a tradition since the year before we got married.  I honestly think it ranks up there with my wedding day and the birth of our children.  Is that weird of me?  I like going out as a family, being outside, surrounded by beautiful trees.  We’ve gone to the same place every year since we started this tradition.  Vandermost tree farm is off of Scholls Ferry rd. (for you local folks).  They don’t have a website but if you look it up, you’ll find them.   They have a huge selection of noble firs, and it’s U-Cut any tree $25.  They also sell beautifully made wreaths and  bags of mistletoe.

Every year we do something a little different with our tree.  This year I let my good friend Amanda at Burlap and Babies borrow all of my purple ornaments for her Silver and Purple Glam Christmas Tree.  That left me with a less colorful option of mostly neutrals, so I went with it!

My Eclectic Neutral Christmas Tree. Visit for ornament ideas, diy tips, and easy tree skirt.

The first thing I did was plug the lights in to make sure they worked.  And wouldn’t you know, only two out of the five strands worked.  I really didn’t want to buy new ones so I made it work.  Now, I know we won’t all agree but, I really believe trees should have white lights.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some very beautiful trees with colored lights, but there’s just something extra magical about white lights on a tree.  So, I put my two strands of small white lights on and I added a set of bigger white lights.  The bigger white lights add some interest plus, I spray painted the cord gold.

I added a sort of burlap-ish ribbon with white polka dots.  I had a really hard time deciding between this and a plaid ribbon.  I’m really into plaid this year and thought they would match my Plaid Napkin Pillows but in the end, went with the polka dot.  The next thing I did was added gold glitter sticks to the branches.  I just sort of took a small bundle and randomly stuck them in to the tree.

After putting all the ornaments on the tree, I still felt like it needed more.  I couldn’t figure it out until I saw the pom pom wreath hanging above my mantle.  I quickly got to pom pom making.  My husband cringes every time I start making pom poms.  They’re so messy and the trimmings stick to everything!  But they’re awesome and I use them for everything I possibly can.  I tied them to the tops of the branches and it turned out so cute.  .

I can’t even remember what I used for a tree skirt last year, so this year I had to do something new.  I had two yards of faux fur fabric that I got to DIY an Anthropologie duvet cover.  It didn’t work very well for that, Ha!  But, it was perfect for this.  I  just wrapped it around the base of the tree and viola!  Super simple and it looks great.  It looks like snow fell under my tree!

Can we just talk about something for a minute?  Of course I’m listening to Christmas music right now and I really think that Mariah Carey is probably living the rest of her life comfortably on royalties from “All I want for Christmas is you”.  I mean, this song is genius!  I grew out of Mariah Carey years ago but every time I hear this song, I can’t help but sing AND dance!  Now my youngest bounces on his chubby little legs to it.  It’s Amazing!

My Eclectic Neutral Christmas Tree. Visit for ornament ideas, diy tips, and easy tree skirt.

One thing about noble firs is the random placement of branches.  Sometimes you have large empty spaces that need to be filled.  Last year I got some huge ball ornaments from Home Depot.  They were super bright and sparkly.  I didn’t like the color so I spray painted them with rose gold spray paint.  I stuck them inside the tree where I had gaps and they beautifully filled the holes.

My Eclectic Neutral Christmas Tree. Visit for ornament ideas, diy tips, and easy tree skirt.

I really love this tree!  It has so much character.  My one year old hasn’t knocked it over yet, so that’s a plus!  What fun things did you do to your tree this year?  Do you have a favorite ornament that you try to highlight?  My favorites are the clear jellyfish, the Driftwood Nativity from World Market, and the angel wings.  I also hung my DIY Stick Nativity Ornament on the tree.  It goes perfect with my neutral theme.  My pickle is hiding in there somewhere too!  Can you find it?!

My Eclectic Neutral Christmas Tree. Visit for ornament ideas, diy tips, and easy tree skirt.

Thank you for visiting today and letting me share my tree with you.  I hope I was able to inspire you!  See you next time.

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