Mounting plants is a creative way to design and display plants that are growing on a piece of wood or bark. These living art pieces are beautiful and easy to make. Stick around and I’ll show you how to mount a plant!

A plant, moss, bark, scissors, and fishing line. Everything you need to make a mounted plant. How to make a mounted plant.

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Mounted plants on a wall. Home decor photo.

Mounted Plants

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know all about my wall of mounted plants. It’s my favorite wall in the house! Years ago I started hosting plant mounting workshops with my good friend Cory Paul. We’ve taught hundreds of people how to create these beautiful pieces of living art.

Mounted plants are a combination of epiphytic plants and moss that have been creatively and carefully secured onto a piece of wood or bark. Doing so mimics the plants in their natural environment.

Epiphytic Plants

Epiphytic plants grow on other plants and trees and pull their water and nutrients from the air and dead debris around them. Epiphytic plants don’t require much soil to grow which makes them perfect plants for mounting.

The best plants for mounting are Hoya species, Rhipsalis species, Monstera species, Platycerium species, Bromeliad species.


Moss, Bark. Hoya plant, scissors, and fishing line. All of the supplies you need to mount a plant.

How To Mount A Plant

Step by step images and instructions. How to make a mounted plant.
  1. Cut a 3′ length of fishing line and set to the side.
  2. Cut a 12″ length of craft wire.
  3. Drill a hole through the top of the wood and use the craft wire to make a hook for hanging.
  4. Remove the plant from the container and brush away excess soil.
  5. Wrap the roots of the plant in moss, making sure to cover all of the roots/soil.
  6. Get creative and find a good place for the plant to lay on the wood.
  7. Grab the fishing line and wrap it around the mount once. Tie off with a double knot.
  8. Continue to wrap the fishing line around the mount to fully secure the moss wrapped plant to the wood. Finish with a double knot and cut off excess fishing line.
Two hands holding a mounted plant.

You won’t be able to make just one…trust me! They are so fun to make.

How To Care For A Mounted Plant

It’s fairly easy to care for a mounted plant. I wrote a blog post about it here, so take a look at the easy to follow directions.

Two photos of a plant DIY - How to mount a plant.

I hope you enjoyed this fun plant DIY. You might also like this DIY Mini Garden or Clever Ways To Hang Your Plants. Thanks for stopping by! As always, I’m just a DM away on Instagram.

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