Bringing the outdoors inside your home has many benefits. From clean air to an instant mood adjuster, having plants in your home will not disappoint! Today you will learn how to create your very own mini indoor garden with tips, step-by-step instructions, and pictures so you can easily follow along.
This post is a paid partnership with PRO-MIX®
Indoor gardens are all about combining different plants in one container to create a beautiful foliage scene in your home. A lot of us have potted plants around our homes but a mini indoor garden is the best way to up your plant game!
How To Pick Your Plants (+ placement tips)
The key to choosing the right kind of plants for a mini indoor garden is choosing plants with like care needs. When planting multiple plants in one container, it’s important that the plants have all the same care needs (especially water and light).
For this planter, I chose Pilea cadierei, Pilea peperomioides, and a Begonia rex. I love the different color combinations, foliage shapes, and sizes.
I made another one in a terracotta pot that has Sansevieria, Rhipsalis, and Hoya. All three of the plants have lower water requirements with higher light needs.
This is where you can play around with your creativity! There is no right or wrong way to create a mini indoor garden, but here are a few tips:
- Create in odd numbered plant groups, like 3-5-7 plants.
- Place taller/bigger plants in the middle or back (the show-stopper) and work the smaller plants in around the big plant.
- Plants that trail should be placed in front.
- Mix different colored plants, or flowering plants in between green foliage to create dimension.
Choose The Right Kind Of Container
You can use any type of container you desire. I suggest either teracotta, clay, ceramic, or plastic. The biggest tip I have is to use a container with a drainage hole. If your container doesn’t have a drainage hole, you can drill your own!
Using The Right Kind Of Soil
High quality soil is KEY for the health of any potted plant. I started using PRO-MIX Premium Moisture Potting Soil a while ago, and haven’t looked back. The soil contains mycorrhizae which builds stronger roots and gives healthier, bigger and more prolific plants. I highly suggest using PRO-MIX for your mini indoor garden. It’s ideal for seed starting/new plants, potting/repotting, and container gardening. The peat base helps to retain moisture, while the perlite promotes healthy root growth and aeration.
Creating a mini indoor garden
- Fill the bottom 1”-2” of the container with PRO-MIX Premium Moisture Potting Soill.
- Remove the plants from their containers and gently massage the roots to remove exess soil.
- Place the largest plant in the container first (typically near the center or back), then place the other plants around the largest plant.
- Move around until you achieve desired look.
- Fill the rest of the container with PRO-MIX Premium Moisture Potting Soil, leaving about one inch of room at the top of the container.
- Water plant, and you’re done!

This mini indoor garden was so fun to make. I ended up making two different ones and I love them both so much! I can’t wait to watch them grow!
If you have any questions, leave me a comment below. I’m also just a DM away on Instagram. Have fun planting!