i'm erin.
Hi! I’m Erin. I’m a wife and mother of two boys. I live in Portland, Oregon with my husband Tim and my boys, Oliver and Otis.
I started Clever Bloom back in 2014 (0r 2015 I forget. haha!) as a way of getting creative and sharing my creativity with others. Within that first year, it shifted from a DIY blog to a Houseplant blog.
clever bloom is all things houseplant care, decor and DIY now.

House plant club
Not long after Clever Bloom was created, I partnered with Morgan Doane (@plantingpink) to create @houseplantclub.
House Plant Club is an online plant community for houseplant enthusiasts. Visit us on IG and use #houseplantclub to be featured!
A few years into House Plant Club, we were approached by Laurence King Publishing to write a book, and we said YES! In October 2018 we released, How To Raise A Plant and Make it Love You Back! It is now available in 7 different languages with more to come! And in 2020 we agreed to write a second book, How To Plant A Room and Grow a Happy Home.
Thanks for following along with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and right here! I hope to inspire you and encourage you to see the possibilities and beauty in everything.
meet the family

Tim is the funniest person I have ever met. My mom actually laughs at every word that comes out of his mouth. Every. Single. One. He is patient with me and loves me and those are two very hard things to do. He is a designer at an engineering firm in Portland. I don’t even try to understand exactly what he does, it seems so complicated. He is the logical brains to my crazy ideas, and that makes us a perfect pair! He is wonderful in so many ways and I feel like the luckiest person ever!From time to time, you can catch snippets of him playing guitar and singing on IG but he hates that I post them. haha!

My first born is seven years old. Oliver is kind, so sweet, smart, and funny. We’re always laughing at the things he says.He loves legos, period! His life revolves around them and he’s REALLY good at building from scratch. But, if you ask him what his favorite thing to do is…it’s “snuggling with mommy”. He has made us so happy, it’s really hard to have a bad day with him around.
Then came Otis. He’s five years old and is so cute and still looks like a baby (we still call him “the baby”)! He looks just like his daddy and has the best chin dimple. He loves music and dances around the house, swords, weapons, sticks, masks, and make believe. The way he smiles just melts my heart.